Gorelesque was a show that managed to fright and delight, with a number of intriguing acts and an excellent host that helped to put the production together. There were three acts in total, plus the host. We were told however that each week there would be different performers, and as of next week there will be 5 performers in the show.
The first act was a singer, and as she wandered onto the stage she was singing about kittens, with a small toy kitten to boot. I thought it was a bit strange at first, considering that the show was called Gorelesque, but my concerns quickly turned to laughter as the song drastically changed in tone, ending with her throwing the toy on the ground and yelling about dead kittens.
The other two performances certainly packed a punch, with a demonic gas mask wearing nun giving the most scary and gory performance of the night, whilst the other performer went for a more typical burlesque routine, whilst still having a Gothic edge.
Overall, I very much enjoyed the show and its unique qualities, and I would definitely put this one on the list for the upcoming fringe season, especially with different acts performing in the coming weeks!