The Best of Fringe Comedy From The UK! show was hosted by Nik Coppin, a comedian which I've covered for some of his solo sets for other comedy shows this Fringe. Coppin was brimming with energy, and after his usual introduction, he began to riff with the crowd, and everyone seemed to be having an excellent time. One of Coppin's strengths as a comedian is his improv chops, as he was able to come up with all types of stories and situations regarding the different people in the crowd.
There were three acts all up, and they included Donal Vaughn, another comedian I've covered this year, as well as the final act Martin Mor. Vaughn was amusing as usual, and after seeing him a few times it was refreshing to see him change up his set a bit. It hit a lot of the same beats, but he had added a few new segments and changed things up a bit for the crowd. Martin Mor however, was a breath of fresh air. Hailing from Northern Ireland, and with a huge bushy beard, Mor was the highlight of the show. His style of comedy was very naturalistic, as he told everyday stories about his life and shenanigans, but his delivery was what made it. The audience was roaring with laughter during most of his set, and I was very impressed.
Overall, The Best of Fringe Comedy From The UK! was very funny indeed, and it was good to see some of the same comedians change it up a bit from their other sets.